Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Tool in Any Sector

Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Tool in Any Sector


  • Violence


  • Education and Culture
  • General
  • Government and Municipal
  • Health and Community Services
  • Public Safety
  • Small Business


  • Workplace Tools


In Ontario, the Occupational Health and Safety Act requires employers to assess the risks of workplace violence and to put in place policies and programs regarding workplace violence and workplace harassment. These Workplace Violence Assessment Tools have been developed to help Ontario employers meet these requirements.

There are three parts to the Workplace Violence Assessments:

1. General Physical Environment Assessment

Focused on the nature of the workplace, it takes you through a survey of the physical environment and security measures at your workplace

2. Risk Factor Selection Tool

Used to identify risks specific to your workplace.

3. Assessments for Specific Risks

Complete the assessment for any specific risk that exists in your workplace including: direct contact with clients; handling cash; working alone or in small numbers; working with unstable or volatile people; working in a community‐based setting; mobile workplace; working in high crime areas; securing or protecting valuable goods; transporting people or goods.

Instructions for completing the tool

You should begin with the General Physical Environment assessment, and then complete the Risk Factor Selection tool to determine which (if any) of the Assessments for Specific Risks are required. You only need to complete those additional assessments that are relevant to your workplace or to specific jobs or locations.

Before you start to use the assessments:

  • Decide who will fill out the assessment(s). Think about the knowledge this person should have. PSHSA can provide training for the assessor, or may be able to help your workplace to complete the assessments.
  • Decide with whom you will consult to fill out the assessments. You are encouraged to involve workers,supervisors, joint health and safety committees, health and safety representatives, and/or unions in this process.

When completing the assessments:

  • At the top of the assessments, identify the job/department/location, the name of the person filling it out, and the date.
  • Check the YES /NO/ or N/A boxes as accurately as possible, being sure to put a mark opposite each question.
  • If the answer to any of the questions indicates an elevated risk (marked with an asterisk), you have the option to record information about any existing controls that have already been implemented at your workplace. Then review the examples of controls provided, and add further Recommended Controls that could/should be implemented in your workplace. Take into consideration the protection of all workers from all types of violence in the workplace, including those who may be more vulnerable to violence.
  • If the answer to any of the questions does not indicate elevated risk, you still have the option to record information about any existing controls that have already been implemented at your workplace for your records, but this is not required.
  • You must complete all the questions in this tool in one sitting in order to save and/or print a summary of your answers. This summary can help you to track your progress as you put controls in place.

The Risk Factor Selection Tool helps you to identify the additional specific risks that are present at your workplace. If an additional specific risk is identified, you will be prompted to complete a separate assessment for each additional risk. The method of completing this assessment is the same as for the General Physical Environment assessment.

Workplaces are not required to use all or any of the examples of controls. There may be other controls that are more suitable to the circumstances of your workplace, and to controlling the risks of workplace violence that you identify.

Your workplace may have additional risks that are not covered by these Workplace Violence Assessments. PSHSA can assist you with suggestions or materials about more focused assessments for your type of workplace.

  • You can save your results as a PDF or CSV export.
    • “PDF export” will open the report as a PDF that you can save with any filename you like.
      You can also print from this PDF. You will not be able to make additions to this PDF.
    • CSV export” will open the report in a format compatible with Excel and many other spreadsheet programs. You can save the report with any filename you like and print. You can also make additions in this format.

Thank you for using the OHSCO Workplace Violence Risk Assessment E‐Tool provided to you by the Public Services Health and Safety Association.

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