Workplace Violence in Education

Creating Safe Workplaces and Learning Environments


PSHSA is working closely with Ontario’s Education sector to address workplace violence within the school community.

Workplace violence is a real issue in our schools. While teachers and education assistants are the most impacted group according to reported incidents, all school staff, including office staff, principals and vice principals, maintenance staff, and bus drivers, are at risk of experiencing or witnessing acts of violence and aggression. Violence in the workplace is a complex issue and has become a top priority for Ontario workplaces.

As part of the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development’s mandate to reduce and eliminate violence in the workplace, PSHSA has engaged with various key stakeholders within the school community to understand their needs with respect to workplace violence prevention. As part of this process, PSHSA has determined current gaps and identified leading practices to address these needs.



Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Toolkit for School Boards

Based on these consultation efforts, PSHSA has developed a Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Toolkit for the Education Sector (School Boards). This resource was created to protect education workers from workplace violence, prevent injuries and consequences resulting from acts of violence, and meet legal responsibilities for ensuring healthy and safe workplaces. It includes input and leading practices collected from various stakeholders involved at the school board and advisory levels. These materials can be used as is or as a reference when implementing the tools at your school board.

Download the Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Toolkit below as well as each of the accompanying tools.



Download the complete toolkit in English or French:


Individual Tools:

PSHSA acknowledges the time, expertise, commitment and passion of the many school board representatives, principals, organizations, frontline staff and labour unions that participated in the guidance and development of this material, and expresses its sincere appreciation for their role in fostering a greater understanding and context for the identification and development of effective prevention strategies.


Assistance Meeting Legislative Requirements

PSHSA Consultants are also available in your area to assist in responding to Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development orders for Workplace Violence Risk Assessments and Reassessments, and/or to complete site-based Workplace Violence Risk Assessments and Reassessments.

Training for administrators and JHSC representatives on the effective completion of a Risk Assessment can be delivered directly to your school board.

Please contact your local PSHSA Education Sector Consultant for further information.


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