Radius: Psychological Wellbeing on the Job 

Welcome to Radius – a solution-focused approach to preventing psychological harm on the job.


Get started with Radius today.

Radius empowers workplaces to understand job-based risk of psychological harm and collaboratively identify actionable solutions to enhance worker wellbeing. Radius is designed to harness the collective voice of workers, leaders and health, safety and wellbeing professionals.

Evaluate risk of psychological harm at the job-level

Radius fills the gap in hazard recognition and control left by other psychosocial assessments by focusing on 18 factors specific to jobs in the workplace, rather than across the organization more broadly.



Benefits of assessing job-based risk

  • Creates awareness of psychological hazards and risk.
  • Supports information of the CSA standard.
  • Determines if existing control measures are adequate or if future controls are required.
  • Prevents injuries or illnesses through job design and planning.
  • Informs the development of safe work practices.
  • Supports job-orientation and onboarding practices.
  • Helps prioritize actioning control measures.
  • Promotes and fosters vertical trust.

Create actionable solutions to prevent harm 

With Radius, you’re not just informed — you’re empowered to act. Radius goes beyond identifying risk and provides solutions to inform next steps and help with decision making by using its action planner. Organizations can use it to input and monitor progress of job-specific action plans and inform risk mitigation strategies to keep their workplace and workers safe. 

Collaborate across all levels

Cultivate a brave and open space for workers and leaders to discuss their roles or those they supervise with Radius. Both parties’ perspectives are considered when evaluating psychological risk, ensuring everyone has a vested interest in the process.


Ready to prevent psychological harm on the job?


You can interact with Radius in a variety of ways - by completing an assessment on your own, by accessing support from a PSHSA consultant, or  by licensing the tool.

Complete a Radius assessment 

Access Radius to create a workplace account and assess job-based risk of psychological harm. This option is ideal for workplaces with access to facilitators that are knowledgeable in the following key areas:

  • Health and safety, including psychological health and safety
  • Facilitated risk assessment and evaluation
  • Health and safety action planning
  • Occupational stress/strain including traumatic mental stress, chronic mental stress, etc.
  • Self-awareness and resiliency
  • Impartiality and awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion principles and best practices. 


Leverage our expertise

Our skilled and knowledgeable consultants can help you make the most of Radius at affordable rates. Connect with our team to get started and we’ll work together to prevent psychological harm.

License Radius

Looking to take psychological health and safety to the next level at your workplace or for your clients? Connect with a PSHSA consultant to learn more about how you can license Radius for use to meet your unique needs.