Occupational Hygiene / Infection Control

Recognize, assess and control exposures to chemical, physical and biological agents before they affect employees’ health & safety.


Occupational hygiene is the science of anticipating, recognizing, assessing and controlling chemical, physical or biological agents before they adversely affect employees’ health and safety. PSHSA can assist you with identifying exposure concerns and developing a comprehensive health and safety program. We offer a variety of services including:

  • Respiratory Protection – on-site qualitative and quantitative fit testing
  • Safety Engineered Medical Sharps – guidance for organizations in their program implementation of safety engineered medical sharps, as well as assistance in the development of an action plan and implementation strategy
  • Infection Prevention and Control – A spectrum of information and assistance, from basic hand hygiene or response to blood borne disease exposure to airborne disease transmission and surveillance of infectious diseases
  • Occupational Hygiene Consulting – Advice on occupational exposures, air sampling protocols and occupational disease prevention

For a complete list of products and services, and to learn more about PSHSA Specialized Services, contact the PSHSA consultant in your area.


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On-Demand Training. Anytime, Anywhere.

PSHSA offers more than 100 different training courses on a full range of topics, including health and safety certification.