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Bundle JHSC Part 1 eLearning and Part 2 Distance Learning to save $50 on your full JHSC certification.

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) eLearning courses

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) training equips learners with essential knowledge to create safer and healthier workplaces. Complete your training anytime, anywhere with self-paced eLearning.



Learn at your own pace with JHSC eLearning courses

Our JHSC eLearning courses are self-paced, allowing you to learn on your schedule and access your course content anytime, anywhere. eLearning provides learners with a flexible method of achieving their JHSC certification on their own, rather than as part of a session led by a trained instructor.

Looking for JHSC training with a little more structure? Try virtual or in-person courses led by one of our knowledgeable health and safety consultants.


About virtual instructor-led sessions | About in-person instructor-led sessions


What is a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC)?

A Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) is a collaboration between workers and employer representatives dedicated to enhancing health and safety standards in a workplace. They aim to keep workplaces and workers happy, healthy, and safe by fostering cooperation, identifying health and safety concerns, and recommending solutions.


Every business in Ontario with 20 or more regular employees is required to have a JHSC in place, with a minimum of two certified members. 


Why do you need a JHSC certification? 

A JHSC makes workplaces safer and healthier by acting in an advisory role to raise awareness, identify risks, and develop recommendations for employers. They may also hold regular meetings and workplace inspections for the improvement of the health and safety of workers.  

A JHSC can bring a workplace:

  • improved productivity
  • reductions in workplace absences
  • improved health and safety outcomes
  • reductions in disability claims from illness or injury
  • improved health and safety awareness 

Not to mention that it's a requirement of every business in Ontario with 20 or more regular employees to have a JHSC.


What will you learn? 

Through the JHSC training offered by PSHSA you will learn:

  • the relevant portions of the Ontario Health and Safety Act (OHSA)
  • the legal rights and responsibilities of a JHSC member
  • common workplace hazards
  • how to recognize, assess, control and evaluate workplace hazards
  • how to conduct workplace inspections and accident investigations
  • responding to employee health and safety concerns and suggestions
  • maintaining and monitoring records

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) eLearning courses

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) training equips learners with essential knowledge to create safer and healthier workplaces. Complete your training anytime, anywhere with self-paced eLearning.


About the Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA)

Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) and is an approved provider under the training standards developed by MLITSD. PSHSA works with Ontario’s Public and Broader Public Sector employers and workers, providing training, consulting and resources to reduce workplace risks and prevent occupational injuries and illnesses.

We serve more than 10,000 organizations and over 1.6 million workers across the province’s education and culture, community and healthcare, municipal and provincial government and emergency services sectors.