Ergonomic Services

Reduce strains and sprains by identifying ergonomic risk factors and introducing controls to minimize injuries.


PSHSA offers a wide range of ergonomic services designed to meet your workplace health and safety needs. We provide tailored ergonomic assessments and consulting services for individuals, employers, and insurers across Ontario.

Ergonomic Assessments

Identify ergonomics risk factors, determine the level of risk present in a job and provide suggestions to minimize the risk of injury.


Physical Demands Descriptions (PDD)

An in-depth description of the physical demands and environmental conditions required for job performance. Sometimes referred to as Physical Demands Analysis (PDA).


Cognitive Demands Descriptions (CDD)

A comprehensive description of the cognitive, sensory, and psychological job demands and the environmental conditions in which job tasks are performed.


Job Demands Descriptions (JDD)

A fulsome description of the physical, cognitive, sensory and psychological job demands and the environmental conditions in which job tasks are performed. A job demands description is an essential tool for workplace stay-at-work and return-to-work programs by enabling the employer to match the demands of the job with the abilities of the worker.


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For questions regarding training, products or specialized services, contact a PSHSA consultant near you.

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On-Demand Training. Anytime, Anywhere.

PSHSA offers more than 100 different training courses on a full range of topics, including health and safety certification.