Evaluating the Program



The organization has developed a process to evaluate the client handling program and ensure safe workplace practices.


The final step in the development of a client handling program is evaluation. The purpose is to:

  • Measure and evaluate program indicators
  • Determine whether the program goals and objectives have been met
  • Identify program strengths and opportunities for improvement
  • Make recommendations regarding quality improvements to the program
  • Ensure sustainability and maintenance of an effective program

An organization can evaluate program effectiveness by identifying, measuring, and monitoring indicators.


It is the responsibility of the program leader and multidisciplinary team to:

  • Select program indicators and collection tools to be used
  • Coordinate and document the evaluation
  • Determine the frequency of evaluation (at least annually)
  • Determine how the information will be collected and communicated


Examples of quantitative methodologies may include:

  • Client handling injury demographics (e.g., location, procedure causing injury)
  • Employee incident/accident reports
  • Near-miss and hazard incidents
  • First aid accidents
  • Healthcare claims
  • Lost-time claims
  • WSIB costs


Qualitative methodologies include:

  • Evaluations to determine adequacy of training
  • Records to evaluate training attendance compliance
  • Organizational Culture Survey
  • Audit of policy and procedure compliance


The annual evaluation and review should be performed in consultation with management, staff and JHSC/HSR and reported to senior management. Senior management is responsible for reviewing and considering recommendations for quality improvements.



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