Applying a Health and Safety Lens to IPAC in LTC

Applying a Health and Safety Lens to IPAC in LTC


  • Webinar


This webinar was hosted by the Ministry of Long-Term Care (MLTC) in partnership with the Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) on Wednesday, December 7, 2022.

What You'll Learn

The webinar focused primarily on infection prevention and control in the context of occupational health and safety, reviewing the following:

  • Linkages between the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and the Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Standard in LTC
  • Opportunities to support resource and activity efficiencies associated with IPAC in LTC and Occupational Health and Safety compliance requirements
  • Shared enhanced practices and examples of demonstrating due diligence and a functioning Internal Responsibility System (IRS) at your home
  • Alignment of your home’s occupational health and safety policies, operating procedures and sector standards to support IPAC requirements

The webinar was directed at health and safety representatives, IPAC Leads, Directors of Care, Associate Directors of Care and Administrators of long-term care Homes.